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Meet the Dramaturgs…

Pandemic Blues

This pandemic has taken away one of the pillars of theatre, bodies in spaces. Our industry relies on the magic created by a room of people. Point blank. It is why we aren’t in film or radio dramas (until now of course). As I was brainstorming for this, I was watching the screensaver float old…

Social Media and Me

One of the main ways I interact with the world now is through social media. As I said in my little welcome note, my friends are now spread out all over the globe and keeping in contact with them gets increasingly harder as the days go by. Only through social media posts, instant messages of…

What is an Acting Troupe? Who Was Charlemagne??

Charlemagne (c.742-814) was a warrior, a king, and a crusader for the Christian Church. He ruled most of early medieval Europe after inheriting it from his father, Peppin The Short. More accurately it was split up between Charlemagne and his brother Carloman, but that didn’t last for long after Carloman died giving the entire region…

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